Ocean Talk Series: Sónia Sousa Ell

So...We had the idea in addition to our cleanups to start something we like to call our Ocean Talks series. Basically, we invite other ocean lovers to share their experiences and passion for the ocean and marine life with others here in Santa Maria. The goal is to educate and to inspire --to build and strengthen our community of ocean lovers. I mean, you protect what you love, right? ✨🐬
This weekend we held our first Ocean Talk with guest speaker Sónia Sousa Ell, founder of Quando +1 e = -1 from Lisbon, Portugal.
Sónia is an avid diver and shark lover who specializes in underwater cleanups, sharing her love for the ocean and in her spare time enjoys teaching ocean literacy & helping to raise awareness regarding marine pollution.
It was fun! We had a small international and local mixed group of ocean lovers, divers, sailors and free-divers, and some good conversations.
Special thanks to Sónia for joining us, for offering her presentation in English for the international audience and for sharing her passion! Another special thanks to Armando of Clube Naval for providing us a space & projector.
Até à próxima!
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