Annual Escola Azul Cleanup: Kids Remove Microplastics from Praia Formosa

Spent a perfect day yesterday with the first grade classes from Vila do Porto and Airport Schools who held their annual cleanup as a part of their Escola Azul program led by Florbela Cunha.
Amazing to see these kids at work, cleaning the beach at Praia Formosa, tiny hands and tiny plastics!
They collected 40kg of microplastics and 30kg of wood debris with help of a few parents and teachers.
This time of year, microplastics begin to scatter the coastline all around the island, it's a seemingly never ending problem.
Educating and raising awareness is a huge part of turning off the plastic tap and resolving the issue. And ocean literacy is what Escola Azul is all about!
Amazing work guys!! Proud of you all!! The ocean and island thanks you.
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