Ilha do Sol: Island Paradise in the Azores
The Açores (Azores in English) are a group of 9 volcanic islands located in the middle of the Atlantic, half-way between Europe and the Americas - quite simply the middle of nowhere.
Our island, Ilha de Santa Maria, is known as the "Ilha do Sol”. When describing it, they say it is like the child of Hawaii and Ireland. There are more cows on the island than people. Only one traffic light. At times it seems as if the entire population of roughly 5,000 knows each other; if not by face, then by car or truck. We have seamount diving, some surf, small forests, old ocean pools and a couple of waterfalls; walking trails abound, and a little charming town by the name of Vila, which we like to call “the City".
Here, time stops, and the outside world is forgotten...

Comments on this post (1)
I have long wanted to visit the Açores, and just now stumbled upon your journal. Very appreciative for this intimate view of what I have heard is a very special island archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, for your photos, and for your dedication to removing as much plastic and other types of human-made garbage from the ocean and beaches where you live. Thank you for all of it. I will be following your journal now. Warm regards ….
— Gabrielle E